
Number of White Lungplus Units

The Sport unit has fewer coils, allows for maximum airflow and can be comfortably used while exercising or breathing hard.


Number of Units

The Sport unit has fewer coils, allows for maximum airflow and can be comfortably used while exercising or breathing hard.  The Black unit is slightly larger than the white sport unit.

Number of Units

The Lungplus One is the same size as the Sport, but has more coils which allow for less airflow.  This unit is for those who are not exerting or breathing hard.  Those with COPD would benefit most from this unit.

Number of Units

The Lungplus Junior is smaller than the other units.  The coils are also tighter allowing for less airflow.  This unit is for a child or someone with a very small mouth who is not exerting or breathing hard. Children should be supervised and instructed as to how to safely use the unit.

Warmskin 3 oz tube
